Depends on the game tbh. Online PvP games are terrible for you because you are interacting with toxic scum all day most of the time. Isonzo has been a pleasant exception where the community is usually fairly nice. But most games it’s awful.
I expect something like Factorio is pretty good for your brain.
I used to be a gamer, I know they are bad for your brain.
Only multi-player games
Hardly. Almost all video games are pure sugar for the parts of our brains that want to succeed at something.
I used to be a gamer. Still am, but i used to too
Depends on the game tbh. Online PvP games are terrible for you because you are interacting with toxic scum all day most of the time. Isonzo has been a pleasant exception where the community is usually fairly nice. But most games it’s awful.
I expect something like Factorio is pretty good for your brain.
Some games are Skinner box slot machine dopamine pumps and stores with games attached, some are art, and everything else is somewhere in between.
There’s plenty of games that are art, but you don’t typically need to spend 100s of hours to appreciate them as works of art.
After playing too many games for years, my belief is that even the best games falsely and too easily satisfy our need to succeed at something.