Holy shit i forgot about tragedeigh, that was one of my favorite subs of all time 😭
Sad to see it’s dead here :(
Be the change you want to see in the world!
I actually bet that communities like that won’t be popular on the Fediverse for a very long time. Most of the content on the correlating subreddits comes from other social media, usually Facebook or Instagram.
Lemmings tend to be people who aren’t on those social medias, and people tend to follow better OpSec here because of how small the community is and the (presumably) slightly higher average understanding of computer science.
What is it?
It’s a community where you post people with names that were intentionally misspelled at birth, to make it more “unique” but in reality it’s just a really weird. So charlie would be “charleigh”, rafferty as “Raefarty” (true story lmao) or carson as carsyn.
It’s incredibly enterteigning.
Use this format for the link
Ty, I frogot how to do it.
Please, these communities need your help. With only one post or comment a day, you can help them grow strong. Just one comment or post a day will give these communities a chance to live long happy lives, even if I am the one that made them. So please, give what you can.
Since [email protected] isn’t very active, and [email protected] has 1.9k subs but has less than 1 post per day. I would suggest merging the two communities.
Yeah, but there is a legitimate standards difference. Anything goes vs rules stated quality requirements that I made.
Sure. But if both are sporadicaly active it would make sense to merge the niche community into the wider community until there is enough activity to justify having the niche community. Kind of like what was done with TV subreddits being merged into [email protected] and [email protected] being merged into [email protected]
I get it, I really do. But HQG is also a style of gif. The early stuff I posted was stuff that I made in hopes of getting some traction, and doesn’t really fit stylistically. The more recent stuff that more capable people have made fits much better. I am also really bitter that the assholes that made the community with the same name at .world just sat on it, have never posted anything, and have never replied to my attempts to get them to open the community - that is why I made one that could be active at all.
If you do so, add other mods and don’t make yourself the only one.
There are a lot of communities with potential with no mods. For example [email protected]. I love that type of community and i’d do it myself, but it’s a very sensitive topic and i’m not sure if i could be up for it x) I’d be very grateful if someone stepped up.
… Hey, you know what? There should be a community for this, unmodded communities.
[email protected] is basically a support group for mods.
Love that place. But i think a community separately for marking unmodded valuable communities, and instead of them being left dead in silence, someone else could take it up is better for it. Maybe i’ll do that, that sounds like a great idea.
Fair. As valuable IMO are mergers.
Ie. you have two barely modded communities on similar topics with a small amount of activity. You lock one and merge it with another.
Ie. I used to mod [email protected] and merged it into [email protected]
Damn. On the one hand, you moved to a better instance. On the other hand, your original community had a waaay better name.
I’m doing my part! Sub to [email protected] to see some fanart whenever I remember to post.