
I’m Arkhive (they/she), one of your new mods and I’ve just got a sort of update from the mod team.

We, the mods of Onehundredninetysix (hereby referred to as OneNineSix for my own sanity), would like to introduce ourselves. The members of the mod team that are interested will post a comment below this post and hopefully mingle a bit. Something that has come up in our discussions is a general interest in owning our actions, even in online spaces. That means putting people behind the names you see in the sidebar.

As the OneNineSix community coalesces, things have been quite good from our end. While we could be quicker at processing reports, a lot of that stems from us discussing choices as a group before making final decisions…and probably a bit more fear to use our power than is good for us, but time I’m sure will fix that proceeds to power trip. We are absolutely not infallible, and we also strive to admit wrong when necessary and work to rectify it. There is a degree of patience that necessarily extends both directions between mods and users, and in the end we are all users of the same space. We will work to be good stewards of this space for all those being good stewards with us.

And so! This thread. If this idea goes over poorly, please take it out in the replies to my comment, and we will assess and hopefully the other mods will dive in on the discussion too. We have also floated the idea of an irregularly occurring, semi-regular, mod chat thread. My pitch is for “Modly Mondays” but its still an idea in its infancy and feedback is welcome;)

Thank you for your time, thank you for the memes (the cat included), and I’ll remove see you from in the comments.

TL;DR I’m Arkhive (they/she), I’m a mod, there’s more of us (surprise!), and we’d like to introduce ourselves in the comments.

Side note: I realize this is being posted on a day there are protests happening across the US and presumably throughout the world. While this is not an explicitly US comm, I want to remind people to stay safe. Know your rights, know the ACLU phone number, have an exit plan, go as a group, and don’t talk to cops. We keep us safe.

  • WillStealYourUsername@lemmy.blahaj.zoneM
    1 month ago

    Hello! I’m Linda, I’m neurospicy, some kind of pan and asexual maybe, and I use she/her!

    I’m a board game enthusiast and I love TTRPGs (I’m in a couple of different games, DM a couple of games, and I’m writing a couple of rulesets) and I’m big into hobby programming (I make games that I never finish in rust).

    Politically I’m not quite an anarchist, but I believe it’s an ideal that should be approximated as much as possible, and believe that achieving some other kind of socialism first is probably gonna be the first step anyways after unionizing more.

    I moderate some of the rooms in the genderverse matrix which you should all check out btw! It’s an active mostly trans and quite chill community. There’s also a DIY room there for those of you looking to get into that.

    Love you all, stay safe, and may your shitposts be numerous and plenty!

    Edit: Oh yeah! I wrote the first draft for the current rules and mod guidelines. We have talked about making the rules way shorter/simpler (mostly me maybe :P), but I will be happy to answer any questions you have about da rules.

    Edit: I use arch btw.

    • Caboose12000@lemmy.world
      1 month ago

      how did you get started in rust? I learned c++ for my job and got a little python in during college and since then ive started and abandoned a dozen little projects too lol but rust just seems intimidating to me idk why

      • WillStealYourUsername@lemmy.blahaj.zoneM
        1 month ago

        So I started out with teaching myself game maker stuff when I was a kid, but during high school I figured it would be neat to maybe learn some “real” programming in case it would help me with uni or work stuff, so I started doing some c++ stuff (making my own gam engine). At some point my older brother suggested to me that I learn rust because it was the hot new thing and he was sure it was gonna blow up, and so during uni I switched my big make a game engine from scratch project from using c++ to using rust!

        So I’m a messy self-taught programmer, and also please never make your own game engine unless you find the exercise interesting on its own or really need something premade engines can’t deliver :P

        I mostly just used this and then worked on my project on and off for a long time and learning new features as I needed them, which also means there’s a bunch of features I haven’t touched yet.

        Edit: for me with my ADHD having a project I really wanted to complete was really the only way which is why I settled on making a game engine. I first made a tiny little text based game however, as a test. You gotta figure out a way to game yourself into learning rust basically