I've spoilered the punchline for being potentially dirty.

Move, bitch. Get out the whey.

Twas a silly post pls don't ban me

“Bitch” is a specialized term used to denote a female dog, especially a recent mother. Its application in this specific context makes it, in my mind, not quite dirty. But I’d be willing to give that it isn’t quite clean, either.

I wouldn’t call this an uncle joke. I wouldn’t want my five year old kid repeating it, but if he told it to me, I’d crack up, tell him to tell his mother that joke, then take the paddlin’ myself.

Tldr: I wouldn’t blame the mods for removing this.

The good girl in question, if it’s any consolation:

No, I do not have whey protein around the house. But for the record, she did in fact have a recent litter before we adopted her in November. We don’t know where the pups are, unfortunately. :(