Well about to be 33 anyway
Ha, so relatable. Wait, I’m 34.
Commiserations and welcome to the family! We’re sad to have you decaying with us for the rest of the ride!
Please speak to the nearest Millennial for an orientation guide and your *complementary swag bag!
*Swag bags, herein and above referred to as “swag bags” are not complementary, numbing agents have to be purchased as regularly.
I wrote “2018” as the date the other day and it took me quite a while to realize what I had done. I’m 29. 💀
Tried to buy cigarette papers at a market stall. Guy asked how old I was. I said 18. I was 25, no idea why I did it.
Omg, ur lolxdsorandom. :p (Please help me, I just want to eat pizza and play Halo at a buddy’s house.)
Do any of you all see someone’s baby and then see them a few years later and be like wait your a person now
Can’t be me, I’m 20 this month
19 and 12 months
I can related, I used to be subbed to r/teenagers back when I was on Reddit because for reason my mental recollection of my age was stuck at like 17.
Then I stopped going to that subreddit when I remembered I was closer to 29 than 18 and that I had no fucking reason to be there at all and it was more awkward and weird than helpful to anyone involved.
Anyway that was years ago
I’m 33 now…
Time doesn’t make any sense, I was never supposed to live this long.