After reading that article I can say that Linus is even bigger POS than he thought he was.
Before reading: knowing Linus and GamersNexus, I think Mr. Nexus is in the wrong here, but won’t admit it
Lol. Is this a /s post. I think it’s very clear to any human being with eyes that can read. GN is much more thorough in literally all ways.
At this stage, Linus Media Group and GamersNexus have both made statements which are extremely serious. This is far beyond presenting a front of friendliness, and I am respectfully requesting that Linus Sebastian drops that facade publicly, as well as ceases the repeated personal emails requesting as much, as it is personally making me extremely uncomfortable.
Uh I’m sorry what the fuck
Linus is just insufferable. Life has been great with his channels blocked for years and not paying a cent of attention to him. Everyone should try it.
Yeah; I only ever see his content when the drama spills into other channels now.
I miss the days of small-time LTT doing silly projects like whole-room water cooling. :/
Same. I feel like once Luke started taking more of a back seat content-wise and letting Linus get in front of the camera by himself more is when things started going downhill
I have a funny feeling Luke was the only one willing to talk at Linus behind the scenes to control some of Linus’s worse impulses… and once Luke was gone and having to focus on float plane…
To me LLT is basically best when it is somewhat similar to old Top Gear, where they do silly projects (which increased in scope with the companies growth).
For actual reviews on the other hand I’d never really trust them and would always look to other sources like GN or Hardware Unboxed (who e.g. seem to do great monitor reviews) for example.
But I’ve also scaled back me watching the channel to maybe looking at it once or twice in the last year.
If anyone wants to neatly summarize this drama in a few sentences, that would be much appreciated. I don’t have time to read this essay or watch multiple 45 minute videos on GN.
This stupid drama is a turn off for me. I am going to unsubscribe from GN and LTT. Going to watch other creators instead.
LTT is a shitheel, repeatedly.
LTT gets called out for being a shitheel by different people.
LTT Cries about being a victim of the big mean critics, specifically targeting GN (despite other critics)
LTT fans get big mad at GN for criticizing dear leader, while completely ignoring every other critic (Just like LTT wanted)
LTT successfully, amongst his cultists, frame it as “GN Big Mean at LTT, y u no be fren?” in desperate attempt to make someone other than LTT look like the bad guy… and fails.
Living up to your name… Could only be more accurate if you were TechJesusCultist. Everyone involved here are socially inept, self absorbed, wannabe journalists and not a single party here have a good track record for ethical journalism historically. Anyone here for journalistic integrity is barking up the wrong tree. They should both shut the fuck up and go back to making their money and getting free tech products for the reviews they put out and stop with this YouTube drama bullshit.
So big mad.
The article outlines a dispute between two tech content creators. One party accuses the other of plagiarism, spreading misinformation, and being unprofessional, while the accused defends themselves by claiming miscommunication and unfair treatment. Both sides present evidence to back their claims, but it boils down to a messy argument over ethics, accuracy, and accountability in online tech media.
brother why
Duh, of course that abstract’s AI-generated – reads like a robot trying to sound deep. You really think I’d waste energy on this low-effort drama nonsense? Already tired of seeing Captain Cartoon-Face’s cringey avatar plastered everywhere. Now? Couldn’t care less if it spontaneously combusted.
Man we need new tech reviewers that don’t make drama by talking past each other in pedantic ways to no ones benefit and go back to talking to the audience and in simple terms so that new people can find an in to join the community.
This is pathetic. I’m so tired of both massive corporate Linus and Gamer’s Nexus.
How is gamers Nexus corporate? Genuinely asking because I find their coverage refreshingly pro-consumer
Corporate was meant to be solely attached to Linus not Gamer’s Nexus. I just find their coverage to be not approachable and not consumer friendly. They often over pedantic into the weeds and don’t even properly talk about the massive tables they casually throw up on the screen.
I’m sorry if my adjective was misattributed to GN
Weird, I’m a complete idiot and I have no problem getting enough from their review videos to understand basics and make informed decisions.
You can learn addition from reading an algebra textbook too. Doesn’t make it efficient or welcoming to most.
GamerNexus seeks out this kind of drama and it’s non-stop. Really an insufferable channel
Ah yes, a lovely little trap.
First its all “GamersNexus should just stop acknowledging LTT! So insufferable!”
Then if that happens, it quickly becomes “What, so GamersNexus cant even report on LTT? PFft, so much for integrity and advocacy!”
More like trying to make their name off of the backs of LTT, ankle biting and the like
Sure it is buddy.
Cause Dear Leader can do no wrong.
Just a great big mean ol conspiracy.
Ok lol I don’t care about Linus, I find Steve’s constant drama bait annoying. Literally just trying to take advantage of other people’s investigative journalism and ride the wave. It’s not just LTT, it’s something new every week.
"Im TOOOOOTALLY not a follower of dear leader. I’m a super independent thinker who is just coincidentally pushing the same narrative and spewing baseless hate for the guy Dear Leader wants attacked.*
Linus is saying this too? lol I didn’t even realize I assumed Linus was all “we’re humble and also did nothing wrong”. If he’s straight up just pointing out how low rent the tactic is then yeah I guess we’re coincidently aligned
Edit - For the record I’m sure Steve is right about his claims, I’m just saying it’s a pattern that he tears people down every week in an effort to look like a “journalist” and I find that part tacky. I enjoy good reviews
I’m not sure these are the receipts GamersNexus believes them to be. They’re all kinda stretching things into a gray area.
The plagiarism part is straight up incorrect. LMG did not say that their discussion was original reporting. The WAN show is explicitly a podcast reacting to news articles and events (WAN = Weekly Analysis and News). Plagerism needs a “passing off as your own” piece, while IANAL given react content typically ends up in the fair use category because of additional commentary and thoughts being added, the WAN show doesn’t have to disclose sources. Usually on WAN show they mention where they heard of the story, and not mentioning GN is a dick move, but it’s not plagiarism.
The history of not following up on issues was definitely better addressed in the original GN video. But at the same time, this just makes it seems like GN is trying to use the argument “Hey we warned you once that some of your methodologies aren’t great and led to skewed results and you didn’t really react, so now we’re gonna release an hour long video on all of your previous fuck ups and not tell you, k thx bi*”
To Linus’s original point on not getting a heads up, that’s not industry standard behavior and also kind of a dick move.
The unprofessional communication part I can go either way with. Would I talk to my boss like that? No. Technical mentors and peers that I had a good relationship with? Absolutely and I have done it. By the book it’s unprofessional it’s hardly the damning statements Gamers Nexus is trying to sell them as.
Also for those of you who have not watched any LMG content since that original GN video, LMG has cleaned up their act quite a bit, so credit where credit is due. Linus also only asked for receipts since he was getting increasingly frustrated with several negative comments coming from GN whereas on the LMG side they’ve continued to praise and recommend GN content
While I mostly agree with you, I do think there are problematic things in this article that make Linus come off as disingenuous at best, especially seeing that he played the “I have 0 idea what I did wrong, I want to sue you but i wont” card.
As for the reciepts for lack of citations, while I think it’s obvious that Steve is asking for citations and he shouldn’t have to ask, it’s always best to make your request explicit. It breeds animosity to have expectations and not state or ask them clearly. I could absolutely see someone being naive in these exchanges and thinking that Steve was reaching out not to get a citation but to fix future mistakes.
The worst thing about this bullshit though is the lmg clips video title. It’s a serious allegation that Linus allegedly wants to resolve, but they cover it in cringe memery. And I say this as someone who watches LTT and not GN.
I think if Linus had just called out Steve’s beef and publicly requested some forum to speak privately or publicly and sort out differences, that’d be one thing. But with the lmg clip title and the “want to sue, but I won’t” bs, it all just seems kinda gross. I know that Linus may not be personally responsible for that, but the company uses his name, and he started it.
I took Linus’s statement to mean that he doesn’t understand why he is continuing to get heat from GN since they have addressed the issues GN pointed out.
The could sue but won’t part I think it’s coming more from a context with the ongoing Honey lawsuit, since at least on WAN show its been brought up several times that people recommend LMG join the lawsuit and Linus repeatedly refusing because as he puts it, he’s not a litigious person. Given the rest of the his plea in that segment for the viewers to not go after GN, I’m willing to give him the benefit of the doubt on it. I also personally give a lot of leeway to people and organizations who have admitted mistakes in the past and corrected them so that definitely feeds into me choosing not to interpret things the way you are, even though I can see why you view it that way.
And yeah the dedicated clips channel video was moronically named imho. Linus or someone else at LMG should have vetoed it, it’s a serious topic and deserves to be taken as such. If they felt the need to make a joke, do it like the “channel this angry energy into powering RTX 5090s”. A small quip at the end, not leading into things
I’m my experience “I could sue, but won’t” is only ever used as a threat by narcissist assholes who got called out and don’t have enough evidence to sue, because if they truly did, they would. His ego was hurt by his own shitty attitude, so he’s using threats he can’t back up to be a bully. He’s basically saying “I have more money than you and can drain your resources with a frivolous lawsuit if I wanted to”
Your understanding of what qualifies as plagiarism feels wrong. Just because an organization advertises itself as a “weekly analysis and news” doesn’t disqualify them from citing sources. They still are required to give credit where credit is due… Even mainstream news channels will let their audience know where they are acquiring their information whenever it isn’t coming from their own investigations.
At the end of the day, if a primary source privately requests a citation, then a citation is definitely required, so this is where lmg really messed up. GN (as the primary source) felt wronged when lmg used information from their own investigative journalism and did not give them credit (when they apparently gave Jayz2cents credit). At that point in time, lmg was obligated to give GN credit and lmg admitted to this mistake; but then did little to nothing to rectify it.
And moreover, the question is from Linus about why they weren’t given a right to reply to GN’s first big piece. The plagiarism and subsequent lack of resolution is stated as a reason that GN felt uncomfortable. GN evaluated that situation and felt it met their own standard. I dont know if LMGs reporting on EVGA actually qualifies as plagarism, but GN is successfully providing the context for their decision.
Ultimately, Linus asked why? And GN said essentially because you did ‘this’ and it crossed our threshold for hostility, and we actually didn’t give those other outlets right of reply either like your claiming we did so calm down.
I have not finished reading the article, but “Receipt 1” is just embarrassing to GN in my eyes. They claim LMG never addresses the plagierism and provides an email chain where Linus tell him what exactly LMG is going to do in response and GN responds indicating the solution is good. Where is the problem?
Specifically on publicly addressing it, Linus said they will pin a comment and Steve said that’s OK. That’s what happened. Is it truly unresolved? Just reading the emails provided makes it really look like an open and closed case.
I also dont get why they include the additional context in that part of their response. What does GN’s recent criticism of LMG have to do with that interaction?
Sorry, on mobile and just had to type something out before I forgot, because this is a long read.
Agreed. I think GN missed the point by not publishing the smoking gun receipts, but an avalanche of receipts for things LMG was guilty of and have admitted to. It kinda makes it look like GN wants it to look like they’re “burying LMG with evidence”, but in reality the smoking gun would only need to be a paragraph & some screenshots.
You can’t publish an entire NYT news article verbatim and then claim, “I’m just reacting.” The GN article is copyrighted.
Are we talking copyright or plagiarism here? GN is claiming plagiarism, not copyright infringement
Edit: spelling
Plagiarism is when you don’t make legal claims on someone copying your work or where the work wasn’t copyrighted.
GN was being nice about it by calling it plagiarism instead of invoking lawyers.
That is not what plagiarism means
The action or practice of taking someone else’s work, idea, etc., and passing it off as one’s own
to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one’s own : use (another’s production) without crediting the source
an act or instance of using or closely imitating the language and thoughts of another author without authorization and the representation of that author’s work as one’s own, as by not crediting the original author
All three definitions clearly state that Plagiarism is taking some production of someone else’s and claiming it as your own. That there is some kind of deception going on as to who created the original thought/work. Merriam-Webster’s definition has that second component talking about the act of using without crediting the source, which LMG didn’t do at first but later added a pinned comment. While not immediate and the barest amount of effort on LMGs part, but it still is credit.
Plagiarism has no legal component to its definition.
Copyright does have legal implications as it is someone’s right to duplicate a work. In general a creator of a work has exclusive rights to reproduce it, but there are exceptions (everyone’s favorite Fair Use laws). With LMG being Canadian the legal side is more complicated but in US courts it’s been tested that one such exception is around additional commentary and that the usage of the work was limited as to what was relevant to being actively discussed (big case here being H3H3 a few years back). Even by GN’s own admission the WAN show was taking phrases and repeating them verbatim, but just that, only phrases. Ones pertaining directly to the on hand topic of EVGAs ending partnership with Nvidia. They were not showing GNs video, reading his script word for word start to finish. Again, IANAL but I find it highly unlikely that a US or Canadian court would say that what LMG did on WAN Show meets the definition of a copyright violation
That’s the point I was attempting to make. Linus used Gamers Nexus copyrighted work without permission or even attribution. It was both plagiarism and a copyright violation. Steve was being polite by only calling Linus out on the plagiarism.
Did you not understand anything I typed out?
LMG used GN material, yes.
LMG did not commit plagiarism
LMG did not violate copyright law
Words have meanings, and by the definitions of the words plagiarism and copyright LMG does not meet the criteria. You and I do not get to change the definitions to fit whatever narrative we have in our heads on who we want to be the good guys and who we want to be the bad guys
From the Gamers Nexus website:
“The script nearly identically matched the order, topics, and words.”
Yo, why does the website play boss music in the background?
Like a boss
I noped out of LTT after the initial reporting. What happened about the allegations of harassment and particular allegations by a former woman employee?
By memory the external firm they hired did not release documentation of the investigation but did release a statement saying LMG hadn’t done the things that were claimed
Personally I’d wait for more people to complain. There are lots of women working at LMG, no one else has complained.
I’ve see disgruntled workers before lie about lots of stuff. If she’s telling the truth then others would also be saying something.
Makes sense. I guess it was a perfect storm back then that convinced me of something wrong. I used to watch WAN religiously and all the LMG channels, but with all these allegations it made sense to me to not give my viewership until everything is cleared, and it seems we are still far from it?
with all these allegations it made sense to me to not give my viewership until everything is cleared, and it seems we are still far from it?
I mean, it’s hard to proof a negative.
You ought to follow your conscience, but I haven’t found her to be a reliable narrator personally. The results of the investigation were enough for me, at least without further evidence to the contrary.
In summary, as confirmed by the investigation, the allegations made against the team were largely unfounded, misleading, and unfair.
Or more specifically the investigation found that:
Claims of bullying and harassment were not substantiated.
Allegations that sexual harassment were ignored or not addressed were false.
Any concerns that were raised were investigated. Furthermore, from reviewing our history, the investigator is confident that if any other concerns had been raised, we would have investigated them.
There was no evidence of “abuse of power” or retaliation. The individual involved may not have agreed with our decisions or performance feedback, but our actions were for legitimate work-related purposes, and our business reasons were valid.
Allegations of process errors and miscommunication while onboarding this individual were partially substantiated, but the investigator found ample documentary evidence of LMG working to rectify the errors and the individual being treated generously and respectfully. When they had questions, they were responded to and addressed.
Man, these people need to sit down and have a proper talk. It’s embarassing that they’ve been fighting in public for so long. A lot of that sounds like simple communication breakdowns, even.
Every goddamn time there’s a new step in these conflicts, my opinion of everyone involved tumbles.
Did you not read the entire page? They were in private communication. Linus stole a long GN article, Steve only asked for recognition instead of threatening lawsuits and Linus never responded.
I’ve read it.
Yes. Very unprofessional that the contacts in private ended up the way they did.
Also unprofessional that Linus thought Steve was ignoring him when he was just texting the wrong number.
But those sound a lot more like incompetence than malice to me. A lot of the story is things that could’ve been solved with better communication.
The “scale of blame” definitively sounds like it’s tilted towards LMG. But I don’t really care about that right now. What I care about is that I really hope they talk for real instead of trying and failing to understand each other by text/email and then involving the audience in their fight by taking it public.
I want them to talk like adults, and I want to stop feeling like I’m being made to watch a children’s quarrel.
This! It’s kinda turning (parts of) tech YT into the drama filled cesspool that is the rest of YT. Shit that could and should be a private conversation seems like it’s getting blown up for attention and clicks. Frankly if I wanted that type of content, I’d be watching the channels that do it better and at a much larger scale.
Call me when GN explains how having an engineer sent by an incumbent monopoly holder provide exclusive content right before a massive launch is not a massive conflict of interest.
I too would ditch low input advertisers like NZXT for clout if I was making the same money GN makes from NVIDIA alone.
From its inception, GN has been covering for EVGA and for NVIDIA. He’s the origin of the story “it’s user error” when it’s obvious for anyone to see it was a design fault (including the consortia that published the specs and revised the 12V-2x6 connector because it was a shit connector).
It’s easy to be strong vs small companies when one has the backing of one of the wealthiest companies on earth. Let Steve publish the contract he has with NVIDIA if he’s so keen on ethics and transparency.
Till then, it’s just a competitor throw shade at another competitor for the sake of clout and audience. They’re both the same marketing arms of technology companies. Note that Linus is one the bigger YT advertisers for AMD and both companies are just releasing a new gen…
Holy shit it has a table of contents
I’m 54 and I understand nothing about this 😂
Its a ride. Bit of backstory if you arent familiar. Linus media group (lmg) and gamers nexus(GN) are 2 content creators on youtube focusing on tech. Lmg focuses on ‘the best’ or ‘the most’ putting out videos like ‘the craziest pc ever built’ as a generic example. Theres a great team behind the videos and there are some pretty interesting one and the videos cover a wide variety of tech topics. GN on the other hand does mostly tech reviews and tech news and prides themselves on being accurate reporters.
The controversy revolves around a third party. Being content creators they have sponsors who help fund the show. One of those sponsors that LMG used is an app called Honey which is a browser add-on that claims to help find the best coupons when shopping online. They came under fire recently when it turned out they were colluding with certain websites/companies and somehow stealing money. Instead of saying anything about this when they discovered it, lmg just quietly dropped them from sponsorship a change from their usual trend of calling out the company (theyve done it before with other sponsors). In a recent video, GN announced they were filing a class-action lawsuit against Honey and at one point they made a remark about Linus not doing anything at the time and then the shitshow just went downhill from there
It also started before that when GN/Steve got tired of LMG’s inaccurate reporting, so he posted a deep dive into LMG issues with inaccuracy. That really started the public demolition of their working relationship.
Wasn’t that after one of LTTs benchmarkers shittalked GNs methods on a video?
More specifically, a fan posted a video during a tour and an (ex) LMG employee started talking about ways he felt like his department (labs) was doing things better than other channels like GamersNexus.
Yep and then Madison “Suop” dropped a bombshell about toxic work culture and verbal abuse
That was later found to be unsubstantiated by a third party lawfirm hired to investigate the matter…
So this isn’t even a story then. Got it.
Thank you for your actual reporting in the comment section below this bullshit that’s getting called reporting.
Instead of saying anything about this when they discovered it, lmg just quietly dropped them from sponsorship a change from their usual trend of calling out the company (theyve done it before with other sponsors).
If by other sponsors you mean Eufy, which happened well after They dropped Honey, then yes that was handled differently. Their logic was that Eufy’s (still-ongoing) security issues directly affected consumers, whereas all LMG knew about was Honey hijacking affiliate revenue trackers.
Source on what LMG as a company knew:
We ended the partnership with Honey due to the way their service interacted with affiliate links. Essentially, if someone clicked on a affiliate link (For example, one of ours below in the video description on YouTube), and then if they “use honey” and search for a deal, Honey will override that tracking links even if they don’t find you a deal.
Like most internet beefs I’m guessing the truth lands somewhere in the middle.
Though as someone only sorta paying attention and I don’t really care what happens I will say that Linus appears to be more upfront about his mistakes and continuing to own up to them as they come up. Not like he can own up for things that either never happened or he doesn’t remember happening. He is still a human.
GN comes across more like the jealous angry kid that lashes out over text messages because they didnt get what they wanted. I can’t shake the feeling that the “sudden” turn of GN against Linus has something to do with something else entirely that none of us even know about… Yet.
All that being said I have always liked Luke the most and I stopped watching LTT stuff quite a bit when Luke left. I still watch WAN because I find the information and entertainment combination the perfect background audio while I’m tinkering or whatever. I think both the GN and LTT videos generally both suck these days. GN just stands there with some paper in his hands and word vomits at the camera. Linus reminds me of the annoying orange at times.
I was similar but stopped watching the wan show when every episode became a product showcase for their merch. Real shame, I feel Luke’s a weight keeping Linus somewhat grounded.
Luke is a relatively sane normal person. Linus is like the tasmanian devil. If Luke and Linuses wife weren’t around who knows how canceled he would already have been lol.
It’s really funny how in Linus’s worst WAN show moments Luke just silently sits there doing nothing, every once in a while making a small attempt to prevent the imminent train wreck then leaving Linus to crash the train when it becomes obvious he’s intent on doing so. Honestly they should probably stop doing the WAN show given how many times it’s been WAN show clips that got them in hot water
I mean nothing super serious had come of it. The “hard R” incident was the funniest fucking thing ever. Luke’s face was one of pure panic as he thought everything was blowing up right in his face.
You are prolly right about some hidden issue here but at least GN does proper journalism and Linus is just does content IMHO
So I favour GN until Steve is properly discredited
Informing the subject of an investigation and requesting comment to the allegations is considered proper journalism. Otherwise it comes off more as an attack.
Wild to go, “That claim about our journalistic integrity is wrong! We’re actually far MORE irresponsible than you thought!” And think it’s a gotcha
GN brings the receipts and can back up any claim they make.
Linus just bitches and moans while being called out on his legitimately bad behavior/thievery/etc, because all he does is lean into his cult who lap up everything dear leader says and viciously attacks anyone that dare criticize dear leader.
Man, idk about any of that. The only thing I can say is too far is the alleged autism comment, but there’s no proof, just his word from 4.5 years ago
The WAN show is news commentary, that sometimes doesn’t accurately attribute. That’s reason not to watch, but not for claims of plagiarism or stealing.
And I rarely watch anything from LMG, except for specific videos that are exactly what I’m looking for. I’m not a follower of theirs, but just taking GN word as gospel seems just as dumb
The WAN show is news commentary, that sometimes doesn’t accurately attribute. That’s reason not to watch, but not for claims of plagiarism or stealing.
Commentary is
“And heres a news article from Gamers Nexus insert brief summary of story, brief back and fort, comments and opinions about it. And if you want more info, follow up with the original article at the link below”
And I rarely watch anything from LMG, except for specific videos that are exactly what I’m looking for. I’m not a follower of theirs, but just taking GN word as gospel seems just as dumb
There are literally evidence supported facts, and the fact that you are trying to handwave it away as dumb and as fools taking random empty words as gospel, Kinda really reveals the actual hand you’re trying to play here, and says a lot more about you than anything else.
What para social relationships do to a MF lol
What GN does is not proper journalism. It’s sensationalist bullshit. Please stop demeaning actual journalists.