I would get off that train before it jumps the tracks onto a rainbow bridge and you end up in Niflheim in the middle of a battle with Ice Giants without even so much as a spear or a parka on you.
Counter point Odin would definitely have some of the more bat shit insane designs humanity has come up with since the viking age, like the War Wolf, Ratte, or the ever glorious Bob Semple tank.
I would get off that train before it jumps the tracks onto a rainbow bridge and you end up in Niflheim in the middle of a battle with Ice Giants without even so much as a spear or a parka on you.
You’d get off right before it gets good? Hard disagree.
Counter point Odin would definitely have some of the more bat shit insane designs humanity has come up with since the viking age, like the War Wolf, Ratte, or the ever glorious Bob Semple tank.