Don’t straw man me. I was simply pointing out how insane this would be if any Western country employed the same ‘assimilation’ methods that China is doing. I mean, arguably the US is doing something similar with the way they exploit their prison populations (minus the re-education part). But that’s also shameful. Just because the US does shameful things too doesn’t mean that China’s shameful things don’t matter or shouldn’t be talked about. These types of reprehensible State actions should all be scrutinized and opposed.
Wahabism isn’t native. It’s literally being imported by Saudi Arabia, and is actively trying to destroy Uighur culture.
‘Muslim’ is not a monoculture and it is ironic that someone worried about cultural genocide believes it is.
Are they being forced to convert?
Don’t straw man me. I was simply pointing out how insane this would be if any Western country employed the same ‘assimilation’ methods that China is doing. I mean, arguably the US is doing something similar with the way they exploit their prison populations (minus the re-education part). But that’s also shameful. Just because the US does shameful things too doesn’t mean that China’s shameful things don’t matter or shouldn’t be talked about. These types of reprehensible State actions should all be scrutinized and opposed.