I’m a programmer and I still try to avoid appliances with a computer in them. It’s impossible to avoid every sort of computer unless you buy vintage stuff, but I’m OK with something like a microwave with a digital timer. However, something with wifi or a display showing more than the basic seven-symbol characters is out.
The old stuff is often not just less annoying but works better. For example, my old washer/dryer each took about 20 minutes for a standard cycle. My friend’s fancy new ones take an hour. Dishwashers have the same issue. I expect that the modern ones use less water and electricity, but I don’t think the savings would be worth the inconvenience even if they used none at all.
I’m a programmer and I still try to avoid appliances with a computer in them. It’s impossible to avoid every sort of computer unless you buy vintage stuff, but I’m OK with something like a microwave with a digital timer. However, something with wifi or a display showing more than the basic seven-symbol characters is out.
The old stuff is often not just less annoying but works better. For example, my old washer/dryer each took about 20 minutes for a standard cycle. My friend’s fancy new ones take an hour. Dishwashers have the same issue. I expect that the modern ones use less water and electricity, but I don’t think the savings would be worth the inconvenience even if they used none at all.