So, I had some issues with installing the GPU in the case, and the GPU bottom (those metals things at the bottom) ended up scratching part of the motherboard. From what I can tell, there’s a bunch of similar components all the way up, so I’d think there’s redundancy, so I guess it’s not that important. Here is a picture:
PC boots fine into bios, fans work, stuff are recognized, mouse and keyboard also works, but I haven’t really done much beyond that.
Motherboard is: MSI B650 Gaming Plus Wifi
It’s located here, and on them, it is written K72 then vertically smaller K2 (the 2 has an underline):
Should I get a new motherboard?
Edit: Better quality image, and new image host added.
I could be wrong, but it looks like the part that came off is in the fenced off area for onboard audio, so it might be ok if you’re using audio from the HDMI on the GPU.
Audio from jack appears… to be working fine. Obviously I am just going by ears and some songs playing, so I can’t tell if some minor frequency or noise is present.
There’s 6 audio ports on the back of the motherboard (which is why it looks like there are extra/redundant parts) and it could be any of them, not just the main stereo (green) output. But if your main audio is working fine, it should be usable.
Yeah, I think it’s the onboard audio. Physical gap to prevent picking up all the noise from the pcie slots.
I’d just check for any components in that area while after it’s running to make sure nothing is getting to hot. If you don’t want to buy a new mb and want to be maybe safer disable onboard audio in the bios. Then use your GPU, find a cheap sound card, or use usb audio.
Something is damaged, but sometimes it doesn’t effect how your using it.