It is propaganda in its purest form, again people are trained by propaganda to view it as sonething bad and only done by evil organizations. Of course “scary pictures” work on cigarettes, that’s their intended purpose, and they would work as well on alcohol or whatever would be unacceptable next year. I’m not against and don’t care much about something that happens essentially in a different world.
Ah yes the evil doctors are spreading propaganda scheming to make you healthier.
They literally are. The mechanism of warning labels working is not via educating you about something once.
It works via constant relentless bombardment of the same message over and over, just like propaganda and advertising.
It is effective, but it is also not effective just through “education” or making people well informed.
Your bias shows, there was nothing in my post about good or evil doctors.
The irony of complaining about someone else’s bias when your previous comment called information “propaganda”…
It is propaganda in its purest form, again people are trained by propaganda to view it as sonething bad and only done by evil organizations. Of course “scary pictures” work on cigarettes, that’s their intended purpose, and they would work as well on alcohol or whatever would be unacceptable next year. I’m not against and don’t care much about something that happens essentially in a different world.
What do you think ‘propaganda’ means?
Who do you think helped develop the warnings?
Does it matter?