Love me some Stephen Baxter. Vacuum Diagrams is a great anthology of stories in this universe.
I haven’t read anything by him, where is a good place to start? Here?
Yes, this book is the start of the Xeelee sequence
I’ve read through vacuum diagrams and have thoroughly enjoyed it. He has a bunch of other standalone books that are great.
I didn’t know it was part of a series. Now I’ll have to buy a few more books :-)
Baxter is a master. Ring is considered his magnus opus.
I’ve read the Long Earth which is co-authored with Terry Pratchett and loved it. Haven’t had the chance to read his solo works though.
That’s a six book series, if I remember rightly. I love Pratchett’s stuff (Men at Arms is next on my Discworld reread) but I was thinking of his solo stuff. Normally I just start at the first published if I think I’ll enjoy the whole lot.
I loved Evolution by Baxter. One of my top ten books, I’ve read it dozens of times.
Premise reminds me of The Integral Trees a lot
If you like hard sci-fi, his NASA series is excellent, especially Voyage and Titan. They describe expeditions to Mars and Titan using Apollo era technology, in such a believable fashion that you think it could have really happened.