I’m constraining the laws of sentience in my own science fiction universe. I’m conceptualizing and not wording a polished version.

The principals of sentience

  • one must never act to harm self or other sentients
  • one must practice tit for tat with a tenth extra measure of forgiveness
  • sentients disarm and uplift all subsentients to mitigate self harm
  • sentience is a measure of behavior only applicable on millennial scales

These ideas lead me to question: where exactly does the Hippocratic principal of “first do no harm” fail us as humans and lead to the mass murder orgies of war?

  • AbouBenAdhem@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    The existence of these laws implies the existence of an institution to dictate and enforce them.

    The place where these kinds of things fall apart, IMO, ultimately comes not from issues concerning the interactions of individual people, but from issues concerning the interactions of people with institutions.

    • j4k3@lemmy.worldOP
      3 months ago

      I think that is a matter of scale, scope, and culture. As humans we are still too small for such a culture to form with relevance. The culture and definition changes with scale and when there is contrast with more than one potentially sentient group.

      I’m thinking about how difficult life is for people with a criminal record or those convicted of crimes against children. The culture and label have some serious power and these impact the labeled individual considerably. Most of the problems I see when it comes to institutions is from subsentient type behavior where someone is always willing to turn to negative criminality for their own gain. Once there is any kind of entity with persistence of mind or a more hive minded culture aware of their place in time, such short term compromises for gain become meaningless.

      In the big picture, every negative input represents a step backwards in true potential growth as shown in game theory. Every advancement achieved through conflict is really just a program of blank check investment with well defined objectives. The same investment strategy in the economy at large should produce nearly identical but far more net positive outcomes. It is the negative miserly austerity culture that leads to stagnation, consolidation, and tyranny. Such is the result of subsentient creatures that cannot act in the best interests of themselves long term and never in the best interests of their kind in altruism.

      I picture a contrasting group that is persistent of mind or culture, and these holding a view of subsentients like child rapists and excons while interacting with them as the lesser beings they are and the limited potential they are capable of achieving. It is not about enforcement through violence, it is about proving that it is a disadvantage for such ineptitude.

      The US won the cold war because of the shift to venture capital and growing an economy after ditching the military based industrial economy while the USSR never responded in kind. Prosperity can win conflicts when short term gains and exploitation are made meaningless for the sake of persistent logarithmic gains.