I’m reading them in the author’s recommended reading order and I’m currently up to The Vor Game. While the first Cordelia books are decent the Miles books are real page turners so far. So if you were put off by the cheesy looking covers like me, give them a go!
Judging books by their cover? Tsk tsk tsk. 😜
And no, I haven’t actually read the books or heard of the series. But I’ll check it out now! 🙃
Haha yes I know. The books get recommended a lot over on r/printsf ( I really wish we had a community like this on lemmy), but I couldn’t get over the horrible romance novel type covers for a long time. Let us know what you think if you do read them!
Dang. I think I’m going to judge these books by the website now.
Website last updated in 2016 should tell you all you need to know…
I don’t know… I’ve been developing websites for decades and, at least from my phone, that’s pretty youch even for 2016. Haha.
I think the person who made the page, made it in the late 90’s when they registered the domain, they probably only update the links and text 😅
I should revert all my websites back to v1 style, animated gifs and all.