Four years before the release of the first iPhone. Impressive.
I think it was included with the console too
I recall having to buy it separately. I was pretty annoyed about that as a day one adopter. Here’s what the packaging looked like:
I got mine at least 1 year after release, so maybe they started including them later ? Or maybe my parents bought me that dongle because they were tired of telling me to lower the sound. I just know I have one and don’t recall ever buying a GBA accessory
Crazy that the packaging was in Japanese regardless of region.
That I don’t recall. It’s just the only photo I could find online. I cropped an eBay photo
Funny enough, if you decide to mod your SP, a headphone jack is a pretty easy addition.
You don’t have to mod it, there is a dongle for the charging port
Oh I know it exists, but it uses up the charging port at the same time. A mod would allow for the charging port to always be available.
A standard headphone jack, at least. But it did come with (or maybe they were just available at the time) a set of headphones that plugged into one of the jacks there.
I didn’t realize the SP didn’t have a microphone jack. Luckily Nintendo learned from their mistake since they had a headphone jack on the,
- Gameboy Micro
- Nintendo DS
- Nintendo 3DS
- Switch