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The original was posted on /r/onguardforthee by /u/SAJewers on 2024-10-24 21:32:00+00:00.
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The original was posted on /r/onguardforthee by /u/SAJewers on 2024-10-24 21:32:00+00:00.
I did a brief stint working in a bakery. If it’s anything like those oven there’s only a small glass window to see inside. Though I don’t recall them locking, I imagine they would otherwise employees would get blasted with hundred degree heat. They also seem like prying them open would be incredibly difficult. I don’t know how they aren’t like walk ins with an emergency release. I agree still something doesn’t add up.
I can’t imagine it would pass OH&S muster to not have an internal release on a walk in oven. I suspect poorly maintained equipment where the release was broken. Something similar happened to an Arby’s manager last year.
The emergency release on walk-in freezers isn’t great either.
It can ice up or jam, the handle can be bent, and because the door opens outward all it takes is one poorly placed pallet and you can be trapped.
When I worked with one my cell phone didn’t work inside either.
I haven’t worked in many places with a walk in freezer, but the several I have all had alarms in them. Not automatic, but if the door was stuck there was a big red button next to it that would set off a siren and flashing light outside.
makes sense, it’s basically a giant Faraday cage