So I found this one season (26 episode) extremely campy sci fi TV show – a low budget 2007 Canadian production – called Grand Star. Watched a few episodes last night. OMG it’s so terrible it is awesome.
It’s like a B-grade GameCube era JRPG got crossed with Snowpiercer. I can’t stop watching it somehow.
Anyone else seen this amazing piece of … something? ;)
“Toronto warehouse sci-fi” was almost its own genre for a while, with The Expanse sort of being the apotheosis of the form.
Surely Warehouse 13 was the exemplar of Toronto warehouse shows!
I really loved things like Eros station docks in The Expanse. So yeah it fits this vibe haha. :)
See also Killjoys, Dark Matter, Vagrant Queen, Helix, Ascension (some scenes), and I think Orphan Black would fit alongside The Expanse. Soooo many darkly lit industrial-themed loft apartments, barely disguised warehouses, and underground tunnels that (in the real world) let people avoid the weather while downtown. :-)
Doesn’t prevent a show from being good, far from it, but it’s an identifiable look.
Sanctuary too.
Stargate Sg1 had a bigger budget, does that still count?
I’ve watched about half of that list. Well, when I run out of Grand Star episodes, I guess I have more warehouses to explore then haha.
To contrast this, see Vancouver sci fi, like the X Files, SG1, Smallville, The 100, Dark Angel, BSG, etc…
Or Halifax with… Lexx ;)
Andromeda and i think Cleopatra 2525 is an honorary CWS show even though it was filmed in New Zealand
Cleopatra 2525 is just something
can’t go wrong with Gina Torres and Sam Rami it’s crazy that she sang the opening theme. It’s so bad in the best of ways
Future xena, because why mess with a formula.
Stargate SG-1 is equal parts “Vancouver warehouse sci-fi” and “Vancouver rock quarry sci-fi”
Rivalling only “Vancouver Warehouse Sci-fi”
Maybe we can be ecumenical and call it Canadian Warehouse Sci-Fi. LOL.
Create a TV Tropes page for it and it’ll live forever as Canadian Warehouse Sci-Fi.
Could sort of just go through this list and see what fits haha.
featuring Canada’s favourite “Skid”, Tyler Johnston.
Yeah this show is pretty glorious in its own way.
Hey fam,
Made it 2eps in before I had to circle back and thank you. This is… This is wow. Idk how much I’ll binge, might not make it till the end, but what a treat you have delivered to me.
Much love.
Looks like it’s free to stream on Pluto TV.