In the absence of these important policy proposals, there is evidently some apprehension among Canadians. Half (46%) say they are “fearful” of the CPC forming government, while fewer (35%) anticipate it with hope. A majority (54%) suspect Poilievre and the CPC have a “hidden agenda” that won’t be revealed until after the party wins the elections.

There is also some doubt that a Poilievre-led government can balance the budget and lower income taxes as promised, even if most view them to be “good things”. More than two-in-five (45%) say neither will happen.

    1 day ago

    I never understand why people don’t want criminals reformed, just locked up.

    Because “lock them up” is a simple answer that is quick, easy to understand and relativity easy to do.

    Rehabilitation takes time, takes effort, and doesn’t have a “one size fits all” method.

    It’s not a simple, easy to understand (and easy to slogan) approach, even if it does actually have proven better long-term outcomes for society.