The Euclid telescope, just launched today, will be able to observe galaxies out to 10 billion light-years. Here’s the largest map I could find (1 billion light years) that includes the Milky Way, Laniakea, the Shapley supercluster, the Perseus–Pisces supercluster, and the South Pole Wall.

    1 year ago

    The reason it isn’t presented geometrically, by the way, is because over such upsettingly huge distances “geometry” loses some meaning. The current position of everything is more a view through time than actual space. So the map of the universe is much more like a timeline than an explorable map.

    At the scale of the map up top, a billion years more or less won’t make a huge difference, so it makes fair sense to present it that way. But once you’re up to 100 Gy and beyond… shit gets weird.