Unless policies or technologies change, the ownership cost of electric vehicles (EVs) needs to decrease by 31 per cent if Canada to wants to reach its sales target of 60 per cent EVs by 2030, according to a new report released Thursday by Parliamentary Budget Officer Yves Giroux.

Last December, the federal government unveiled its Electric Vehicle Availability Standard that outlined zero-emission vehicle sales targets for automakers. The standard requires all new light-duty sales in Canada to be electric or plug-in hybrid by 2035. There are also interim targets of at least 20 per cent of all sales being EVs by 2026 and 60 per cent by 2030.

Those federal government targets come as growth forecasts for auto companies have plateaued and concerns about charging infrastructure persist. The price of EVs has also pushed the cars out of reach for many consumers. According to the Canadian Black Book, the average cost of an EV was $73,000 in 2023.

  • FireRetardant@lemmy.world
    21 days ago

    There are regional parts suppliers that have daily/weekly routes that are several hundred kms long. They provide stuff from auto parts, plumbing fittings, and everything in between, often allowing local businesses to get parts quickly without needing to invest in massive warehouses to store larger deliveries or pay extreme delivery fees. These delivery services can be essential to small towns or rural living.

    I agree with your points about ridiculous commutes and such, and large cities should defintely be investing in transit and density. Car centric planning is bleeding our cities and our cities are where we should focus improvement.

    • MindTraveller@lemmy.ca
      21 days ago

      We had small towns before the automobile. Parts were delivered by train or wagon. Our society got used to having instant access to remote goods because of this demand for razor-thin margins and constant work. Well, that’s not how the human race spent the last hundred thousand years, and I don’t think it’s how humans are meant to spend life at all. It’s too much and it’s killing the planet. 150 years ago, people took their time. Stuff took as long as it took. If your equipment broke, you made a new part yourself or you made do without. And you got stuff that was sturdy, and that wouldn’t break all the time. None of this plastic garbage planned obsolescence overengineered nonsense. Would it be such a bad thing if life slowed down a little? Because this planet can’t afford us all to keep going as fast as cars have gotten us used to.

      • FireRetardant@lemmy.world
        21 days ago

        I don’t think it would be detrimental, but try convincing the business owners that, try convincing the parts delivery owners that, try convincing the guy waiting on his furnace parts that 3 weeks an acceptable wait time, have fun firing the delivery driver.

        We need a slower solution to transition. Get all those suburban commuters into an EV and let delivery vehicles use gas while we get better battery technology or heavily invest into rail again.

        Canada used to harvest ice blocks from the lakes and ship them to tropical climates for ice boxs and whiskey on the rocks. People died on the ice, on the boats and everywhere in between. We have always been a ridiculous society that throws away a lot to cater to a few.

        • MindTraveller@lemmy.ca
          21 days ago

          They’ll get used to it if it’s the only way, or they’ll find a workaround, like a sensible railway network. Big gas taxes would create a big opportunity for private industry to build railways. Where’s the invisible hand of the free market? I’ll tell you where it is, it’s scratching its own bum out of boredom because the government won’t regulate externalities and make companies responsible for their own decisions.

          • FireRetardant@lemmy.world
            21 days ago

            Im all for trains, but i don’t see a train stopping to drop off 3 parcels. Unfortunately we atill need road based deliveries unless we want to completely rethink our economy. There is also the factor that quality of life was a lot lower in most rural areas before these services