In an op-ed for France’s Le Monde, Oscar-winning director Michel Hazanavicius expresses fear over the dramatic change in the way the world perceives Jewish people, as if being Jewish had become something really murky, vaguely suspect, possibly detestable.’

    2 months ago

    If anti-Semitism was rising world wide and Israel had not just killed 15,000 Palestinian civilians, destroyed all the schools, hospitals, and mosques in Gaza, and had repeated videos of the IDF commiting war crimes published online, then I might question where this sudden hatred towards the Jewish people is coming from.

    In our world though, it seems wild to not use Occam’s razor and think that people are misassigning blame to the Jewish people for the actions of the only Jewish state due to association bias, given that association bias is one of the most common and intrinsic biases there is and people are constantly misassigning blame, literally everywhere, across the political spectrum, every single day of the year, simply based on association.