• undergroundoverground@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    Ok, then a brutal question: why are they opposing the mass deportation of illegal immigrants ?

    Theres probably a lot more to it than that. I certain you could even answer your own question. It might be along the lines of “not deported there or not like that etc.”

    Where are all these empty houses? Even then, they appreciate in value, even empty and propery price appreciation is the best place for a trust fund based in the caymans to obscure ownership of earnings. There isn’t a bigger effect from a few empty properties than house prices exploding 2 of 300% in a couple of decades.

    I don’t understand this idea that the rich are the source of all the problems. Yeah, they may not pay that much taxes but they are also a really small number.

    There dont need to be many of them. Their source of power is their wealth, not their number. If it was about numbers, you and I would have that power.

    The question is: can we really blame someone that have (or think to have) a problem when he vote for the side that at least acknowledge the problem ? Yeah, most of the time he would not belive in what that side promise but what’s the alternative ?

    Thats a fair point. To me, one is clearly the lesser evil. I can agree that lesser evil arguments suck but its the best I can find, personally. I choose the one I see as the side who won’t deliberately make it worse for us and better for the people they represent. Personally, I’m a post structuralist and I don’t think anyone can be trusted enough to allow mechanisms of power and hierarchy to exist.

    Probably not.

    I’m just saying, I think you and I are past rhetoric, by now.

    However, short of a utopian, philosophers revolution, the best I have to offer is a lesser evil argument. Thats where I’m at. The way I see it, maybe wrongly, is that people on the right share my same frustration but that’s been captured by the very powers that force it on them in the first place. They have our neighbours looking down to find the solution and not up, where the problem has always been.

    • gian @lemmy.grys.it
      3 months ago

      Where are all these empty houses? Even then, they appreciate in value, even empty and propery price appreciation is the best place for a trust fund based in the caymans to obscure ownership of earnings. There isn’t a bigger effect from a few empty properties than house prices exploding 2 of 300% in a couple of decades.

      Here I can speak for Italy: everywhere, since there are too many risks to rent them, even for the a trust fund based in the Caymans

      • No easy way to get the house back at the end of the contract if the tenant decide to not leave. The eviction process can last years, assuming there is not some laws to block all the eviction processes (a quite common thing)
      • No easy way to get the house back if the tenants do not pay the rent: you cannot simply evict them
      • The landlord often still need to pay for some expense of the rented home which would be way lower if the home is empty (some consumption-based expenses)
      • In case of damages from the tenant, you need years to recover them (if you are lucky), and most often than not what are paid is way less of what you need to repair them
      • If you register the contract to have done it lawfully, you need then to pay taxes bases on the rent income (correctly) even if the tenant is not paying you. Basically the state say “you have x income from the rent, pay me y even if you are not getting paid and I (the State) do not want help you to be paid”
      • if you use some kind of agent to find the tenants, they obviously are not responsible (should they?) for what the tenant do after, and you need to pay them a share of the rent.
      • last but not least, you can decide to sell a rented house but assuming you can, the price would be way lower given the points above (obviously there are exceptions to this).

      So people prefer to keep the houses empty and take the cost, knowing where renting it lawfully could led.
      Milano has a lot of empty houses (some research say at least 1/3 of the total) but they are not property of some big fund based in the Caymans (right, maybe the very expensive ones in the historic center of the city, but are not that many). They are property of people who get as inheritance or who bought them years back when they were less expensive.

      Thats a fair point. To me, one is clearly the lesser evil. I can agree that lesser evil arguments suck but its the best I can find, personally. I choose the one I see as the side who won’t deliberately make it worse for us and better for the people they represent. Personally, I’m a post structuralist and I don’t think anyone can be trusted enough to allow mechanisms of power and hierarchy to exist.

      The only problem with your approach (that I respect) is that this way you are rewarding anyway the same people that are creating the (supposed) problem you have. While you are thinking that you are voting for the lesser evil, they interpret it as an approval of what they are saying/doing, so they have no reasons to change.
      Honestly I prefer to vote for someone else because it is the only way of saying “you are doing it wrong” and have the message delivered.

      But what really I am having trouble with is that now everything need to be black or white, there could not be some middle ground point we can agree. People think that if you do not agree with a side then you are obviously be against that side: problem is that both side say intelligent things and both side tell stupid things, so I can agree with a side on an argument and with the other on another but for some reason that is lost.

      However, short of a utopian, philosophers revolution, the best I have to offer is a lesser evil argument. Thats where I’m at. The way I see it, maybe wrongly, is that people on the right share my same frustration but that’s been captured by the very powers that force it on them in the first place. They have our neighbours looking down to find the solution and not up, where the problem has always been.

      Maybe we should start to vote for who say intelligent thing irregardless of the side he is. I think that both your lesser evil approach and mine “vote for someone else just because” approach are not good enough to offer a stable solution.

      • undergroundoverground@lemmy.world
        3 months ago

        So people prefer to keep the houses empty and take the cost, knowing where renting it lawfully could led.

        Wow, you would think all that market pressure would make house prices fall. Surely people would want to sell those properties, as renting sounds like a death sentence. Its almost as if they’re lying and making a killing as they’re doing it.

        and have the message delivered.

        How did the message delivery work out for you?

        I think that both your lesser evil approach and mine “vote for someone else just because” approach are not good enough to offer a stable solution.

        At least we can agree they both suck.

        • gian @lemmy.grys.it
          3 months ago

          Wow, you would think all that market pressure would make house prices fall. Surely people would want to sell those properties, as renting sounds like a death sentence.

          The houses price would fall if all these houses would be put on the market at (roughly) the same time. Keeping them empty rise the house price because there is less offer on the market. And they sell these properties, simply in a very diluted period, so when they really need some money, for whatever reason.

          Its almost as if they’re lying and making a killing as they’re doing it.

          To be clear, keeping an empty house cost money to the owner (taxes, maintenance and some other expenses depending on the house) but this amount is still less of the money it would cost to rent it to the (way too often) wrong tenant. It is simply a lesser evil solution.

          How did the message delivery work out for you?

          Well, if only the left wing would understand the message it would be better, but at least they are not in any position to make more damages.

          At least we can agree they both suck.

          Yeah. And I am afraid that there seems not to be an alternative

          • undergroundoverground@lemmy.world
            3 months ago

            The houses price would fall if all these houses would be put on the market at (roughly) the same time…

            It seems that you answered your own question. You didn’t need me at all. I was just getting in your way.

            Well, if only the left wing would understand the message it would be better, but at least they are not in any position to make more damages.

            Why is the problem not that the message is from people who have been deliberately miss informed, through no fault of their own, or even that the right haven’t made their message good enough? Why does it have to be someone else’s failing?

            Yeah. And I am afraid that there seems not to be an alternative

            By design of course. I mean, who would choose to live in an employment based, market fundamentalist society where its socialism for the rich and rugged, free market wage slavery for everyone else, if there was any alternative? You can see it from American foreign policy. “Socialism must fail everywhere its tried.” Not “socialism will fail” or that it will probably fail because its sooooo rubbish. No, they have to ensure it does, as official policy. In that statement they admit that nearly any alternative would be preferable.

            • gian @lemmy.grys.it
              3 months ago

              Why is the problem not that the message is from people who have been deliberately miss informed, through no fault of their own, or even that the right haven’t made their message good enough? Why does it have to be someone else’s failing?

              Irregarless of the reasons, the message is clear: after 10 year in power people clearly voted them out.
              I agree that the Right may have not made their message good enough (but for what ? To understand how bad they are ? I don’t belive it) but the Left provide the open for them and don’t even try to fight back. Evidently people decide that, all your past action aside, it was not enough that the only arguments you talked about in your entire electoral campaign was about what the Right should not allowed to do.
              The problem is that the Left still have not understood it: they are still only talking about the (supposely) bad things the Right is doing instead of proposing what they would do. How could not be their fault ? The Left is ignoring every messages and it is again on the “if people did not vote for us then they are fascist” mantra. Seriously ?

              By design of course. I mean, who would choose to live in an employment based, market fundamentalist society where its socialism for the rich and rugged, free market wage slavery for everyone else, if there was any alternative?

              The ones that saw how the supposed alternatives (socialism and comunism) worked out. I don’t know how old are you, but I am old enough to remember what was Europe before the fall of the Berlin wall. And I am old enough to remember that even in the comunist side of Europe the end result was the same: a few powerfull ones and the vast majority living in poverty, with the added fact that you could not even had tried to make your life better, it was a crime against The Party.

              So I much prefer the actual system, it seems to be the least bad of all the others. Is there a better one ? Probably. What is it ? I don’t know and at the moment I can only think about some utopian sci-fi like scenario.

              You can see it from American foreign policy. “Socialism must fail everywhere its tried.” Not “socialism will fail” or that it will probably fail because its sooooo rubbish. No, they have to ensure it does, as official policy. In that statement they admit that nearly any alternative would be preferable.

              Nah, I think USA have a very peculiar definition of socialism, they are too much “me centered” to understand everything else.
              And while it is true what you say about the American foreing policy, you would have found the opposite in the socialist and comunist states foreign policy.

              • undergroundoverground@lemmy.world
                3 months ago

                Therein is the hypocrisy of the position. Its the lefts fault for not listening and for not being heard. I mean, could it possibly be because a large group of very stubborn and fact resistant people have declared their the lefts policies literally equal zero? Could it be that people refuse to listen, regardless of what the left says? No, that would be crazy talk. Its everyone else’s fault…

                How do you get through to someone who has just declared not-zero to be zero and refuses to accept that what they made up is factually untrue? Is it my fault they do that?

                The ones that saw how the supposed alternatives (socialism and comunism) worked out. I don’t know how old are you, but I am old enough to…

                That was fascism with red trim and nothing close to what socialism was meant to aim for.

                So I much prefer the actual system, it seems to be the least bad of all the other

                You don’t seem to like that argument when “the other ones are bad” comes from the left and not trying anything else is the mentality of a depressive who views hope as a dangerous illusion.

                Nah, I think USA have a very peculiar definition of socialism, they are too much “me centered” to understand everything else. And while it is true what you say about the American foreing policy, you would have found the opposite in the socialist and comunist states foreign policy.

                Youre missing the point. The point is, by their own policy, they admit that socialism doesn’t just fail of its own accord, as they claim it does. The point isn’t that an equivalent doesn’t exist.

                • gian @lemmy.grys.it
                  3 months ago

                  Therein is the hypocrisy of the position. Its the lefts fault for not listening and for not being heard. I mean, could it possibly be because a large group of very stubborn and fact resistant people have declared their the lefts policies literally equal zero? Could it be that people refuse to listen, regardless of what the left says? No, that would be crazy talk. Its everyone else’s fault…

                  Well, for not listening is obvious, they are the ones not listening.
                  For not being heard is a little more complex. Maybe they are heard but simply their message is irrelevant to the listener, or maybe is wrong or targeted to the wrong audience. I mean, you can try to talk about cricket to me and I will not get your message since I don’t care about cricket. Is it your fault ? No, you cannot know everything I am interested in. But it become your fault if you don’t understand that I don’t care about cricket and you continue to talk only about it.

                  The same with the left, they talked about something, people said “look, all interesting but we have some more pressing day by day problems” and the left continued to talk about the same thing. Is it their fault ? Not at the beginning but it became their fault once they don’t understand that what they are talking about is not what the people need to talk about.

                  How do you get through to someone who has just declared not-zero to be zero and refuses to accept that what they made up is factually untrue? Is it my fault they do that?

                  A too simple example but I get the gist. Short answer: you cannot and it is not your fault.

                  But the problem with politics is not that until today people are leftist and from tomorrow they suddently become fascists, even if this is what some part of the left like to think, but that it is a process. And since it is a process it is a fault of each parties if they don’t understand it: it is a fault from the left if they don’t understand the process that drive their voters to vote for the right and likewise is a fault of the right if they don’t understand the process that drive their voters to vote for the left.

                  You don’t seem to like that argument when “the other ones are bad” comes from the left

                  It is more a “I don’t agree it is so bad that it need to be replaced”

                  and not trying anything else is the mentality of a depressive who views hope as a dangerous illusion.

                  I am afraid that trying something on a State level is way too dangerous, especially if the “something” already failed more then one time.

                  Youre missing the point. The point is, by their own policy, they admit that socialism doesn’t just fail of its own accord, as they claim it does. The point isn’t that an equivalent doesn’t exist.

                  I get the point: there are two opposing blocks and each one is actively trying to make the other fail. So ?

                  • undergroundoverground@lemmy.world
                    3 months ago

                    Well, for not listening is obvious, they are the ones not listening.

                    Obvious to who? To the person declaring that no one is listening to them? What would the difference between them not listening and you being ignored, as you were wrong look like?

                    For not being heard is a little more complex. Maybe they are heard but simply their message is irrelevant to the listener, or maybe is wrong or targeted to the wrong audience. I mean, you can try to talk about cricket to me and I will not get your message since I don’t care about cricket. Is it your fault ? No, you cannot know everything I am interested in. But it become your fault if you don’t understand that I don’t care about cricket and you continue to talk only about it.

                    The problems come when people such as yourself claim the problem to be due to football, despite being caused by cricket, and then when you try to explain to them the problem is actually cricket they tell you they don’t care about cricket. Therefor, the problem must be football.

                    A too simple example but I get the gist. Short answer: you cannot and it is not your fault.

                    With the greatest respect, you’re doing that exact thing now.

                    But the problem with politics is not that until today people are leftist and from tomorrow they suddently become fascists, even if this is what some part of the left like to think, but that it is a process. And since it is a process it is a fault of each parties if they don’t understand it: it is a fault from the left if they don’t understand the process that drive their voters to vote for the right and likewise is a fault of the right if they don’t understand the process that drive their voters to vote for the left.

                    Lol stalin was always a fascist. Simply declaring oneself to be a socialist doesn’t make someone a socialist. For example, even the nazis claimed to be socialists. I agree with the latter part though.

                    I am afraid that trying something on a State level is way too dangerous, especially if the “something” already failed more then one time.

                    Capitalism has failed the 99.9% every single time, yet you’re okay to stick with that. It failed the planet and our our grandchildren. Please don’t come to me with that.

                    I get the point: there are two opposing blocks and each one is actively trying to make the other fail. So ?

                    So, by their own admission, it doesn’t fail of its own accord, like capitalism.