• Dagwood222@lemm.ee
    4 months ago

    EMS guy told me this story. Barricaded EDP [emotionally disturbed person] in an apartment. Standoff lasts for hours. Finally the police decide to break the door down. First cop in gets a pot of cold water thrown in his face. After they restrain the man the cop asks why he threw cold water on him?

    “The water was boiling two hours ago!”

  • The bucket of confetti is a warning to the breach team that they are expected. They do not have the element of surprise and the trap-setter has prepared.

    If they proceed, further traps may be more lethal, and the breach team will have only themselves to blame.

    This is why we should reintroduce knock-and-talk, so that law enforcement can re-establish their relationship with the public as a mutualist one.

    That, or abolish the police for other approaches.